Linus Torvalds himself has announced the release of Linux kernel 3.3 , where we find several new features and a renewed convergence with Android , news indeed important and long awaited by all the community of developers.
The main new features present in the 3.3 kernel , there areimprovements and changes in the Btrfs file system that has been completely redesigned the system balancing operations , was also inserted a new tool dedicated to developers called Integrity Check , which can improve the quality of compiling with debugging .
From the point of view of "networking", was added a new interface called Network Control Priority , which, as the name suggests, allows the system administrator to manage independently the priority of network traffic to be allocated to the various processes running , customizing it to your liking.
Big news from the point of view of compatibility with the new SoC , the 3.3 kernel now supports Texas Instruments C6X architecture , was also improved support for Intel chips, and Samsung Exynos Ivy Bridge , have been improved while the Nouveau drivers used in "environment" nVidia . Other important features then invest other important aspects such as better memory management, consumption and security, the full changelog can be found on this page.
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