Waiting to know the official sales data relating to the iPad, an interesting survey conducted by Fortune and addressed to the analysis of Wall Street and the independents, drew a very positive picture for the house of Cupertino. The estimates range between 11.73 and 19.47 million units sold in the last quarter of 2011 , including one that has, among other things, the Christmas period, particularly suitable for the market.
Read more after the break
The survey, involving both independent analysts, and those "institutional" Wall Street . The difference in the average of analysts conducted by the two groups stood at around 10%: 13.5 million units for Wall Street, 14.8 million units for independent analysts. The estimates of individual analysts are summarized in the table below, which indicates independent analysts in green and those of Wall Street in blue.
The iPad has sold very well last quarter, experiencing little of the new competition in the U.S. market represented by the Amazon Kindle Fire. Sales of Apple's tablet seem to have held up well even to its arrival on the market rumors of iPad 3, which seem to have led buyers to give up waiting for the arrival of the new model.
To have a parameter of comparison, in the third quarter of 2011 Apple had sold 11.2 million units, a figure that looks set to be exceeded even in the last quarter of 2011. The lowest estimate made by Wall Street analysts, is equal, in fact, to 11.7 million units.
You just have to wait until January 24th to learn about Apple's financial results in the latter part of 2011.
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